Addendum to FT. Washita

My Uncle Wayne is a big fan of old west history and because of him I felt I should do a little more research on Fort Washita. I spent 24 years in the military and I am part Choctaw so of course, it is interesting to me as well. I found a website with a lot of information. The most intriguing part of the site is the correspondence from the officers in charge at the time of activity in the area. It paints a very clear picture of the chaos that was occurring around the time of the Civil War. Federal troops were evacuating but the Chickasaw seeing that they were being abandoned stopped them and demanded payment and supplies as per the treaty, Confederate troops on their tail, no way of re-supply, etc.

I am in no way affiliated with the website below but have presented it hear for your enjoyment. Crack a beer, put on a Gene Autry album and do a deep dive. I know I did.

Jeffery W. McKelroy